Law Care Tips To Keep Your Lawn Looking Great

Lawn Tips to Greatly Enhance Your Curb Appeal

Follow these helpful hints and links from a local, family-owned business, Driskell Turf Farm, to keep your lawn looking great all year long.


Stop summer weeds - Don't let annual weeds ruin the look of your lawn. Spread a pre-emergence herbicide to stop them before they sprout. Apply the preemergence product from mid-February to early March for the best results.

Begin mowing - Start mowing your lawn as it begins to grow in mid to late spring.

Don't let thatch build up - Thatch is a layer of old, dead grass stems that builds up on lawns. It prevents air, water, and nutrients from getting to your lawn's root system. Remove thatch before the grass starts growing in summer.


Fertilize your lawn - Warm season lawns get hungry in the summer. Start feeding your grass as the weather warms up in late April or early May. Feed according to the fertilizer package instructions throughout the summer.

Keep mowing - You're going to need to mow regularly in summer. Avoid removing more than a third of the leaf's total blade length at one time. Removing more can stress your lawn.

Water as needed - Most lawns need regular watering during the summer to remain green. On an average, provide about 1 inch of water per week.


Prevent winter weeds - Stop pesky winter weeds just like you did to summer species. Use a preemergence herbicide from mid-October to mid-November.

Finish up mowing - Keep mowing your lawn as it slows down during the fall season. Don't let it get too long as it goes dormant.

Check out this link for more helpful tips: Turfgrass Producers International

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